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About us?
We are a company which aims to identify all companies or organizations in Atenas in a digital platform accessible to all the public. We provide access to necessary information for people from the community, tourists or foreigners, thereby facilitating the knowledge of all businesses and government entities for a better and beneficial choice to the user.
What is Cluster?
The term Cluster comes from English, and is used to name the groups of companies and/or organizations of the same territory specialized in tourism. Likewise, it can be defined as an agglomeration of tourism companies with very similar characteristics .
To satisfy the information needs of different companies through a website and a mobile app where the whole community can easily and simply obtain this information to carry out their different daily or tourist needs.
Provide different businesses with tourist or commercial activities the possibility of making themselves known (services, products, location, general information and contact information) through a website and a mobile app; By doing so, the tourist, or any other user, can know the different activities or organizations within the county of Atenas.
Achieve the development of the county of Atenas through a digital system that informs, not only those who reside in the county, but also all those who are passing through (whether foreign or national) of the different commercial or tourist activities that are available in the community.
OUR Team
Lemory Guzmán | Pedro Morales | Wendy Chacón
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